The project carried out fieldwork between 2021 and 2023 in various locations across the South Pacific. Researchers worked with the communities to ensure their voices and stories are heard. Here are their stories.
This work was supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council [AH/T008385/1].
Fieldwork: Nagotano Village and Soso Village, Solomon Islands
Lysa Wini-Simeon and Jacob Piturara, Central Islands Provincial Fisheries Officer, 31 July - 3 August 2020
Adastandim impotens long olketa solwata risosis fo olketa mere an herehere long olketa voisis blong olketa long disison long hao fo luk aftarem olketa solwata risosis gud fala, wetem iusim long wewe, bae hem no save finis wea bae kontiniu stap fo usim taem bae kam long fiuja.
Tagio tumas long evri pipol blong Nagotano an Soso Vilij long Sentrol Aelan long Solomon Aelans wea olketa helpem mifala withem disfala risej. Hemia nao story blong olketa.
Understanding the importance of marine resources for women and listening to their voices in deciding on how these marine resources should be governed for sustainable use
Thank you to all the people in the villages of Nagotano and Soso in Solomon Islands who helped us with this research. This is their story
Fieldwork: Marau Sound, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
July 2021
Savve gud why nao olketa risosis lo sea hem important for olketa mere en why nao iumi shud luk afterem oketa gud fo stap olowe blo iumi.
Tenk iu lo olketa pipol lo oketa village osem Simeruka, Alite, Tawaihi en Niu Village lo Solomon Islands, wea helpem mifala wetem disfala research. Diswan hemi stori blo oketa.
Understanding the importance of marine resources for women and listening to their voices in deciding on how these resources should be governed for sustainable use.
Thank you to all the people in the villages of Simeruka, Alite Village, Tawaihi and Niu, in Solomon Islands who helped us with this research. This is their story.
Fieldwork: Lekan, Vanuatu
Andastanem impotens blong ol risos blong solwota long ol woman mo lisen long vois blong olgeta blong tekem desisen abaot hao yumi sud maejem ol risos blong solwota long wan sastenebol ius.
Tank yu long ol pipol blong vilij blong Lekan long Not-West Malekula long Vanuatu we oli helpem yumi wetem risej ia. Storian ia hemi storian blong olgeta.
Understanding the importance of marine resources for women and listening to their voices in deciding on how these marine resources should be governed for sustainable use.
Thank you to all the people in the Lekan in North-West Malekula, Vanuatu, who helped us with this research. This is their story,
Fieldwork: Sunae Village, Moso Island, Vanuatu
Andastanem impotens blong ol risos blong solwota long ol woman mo lisen long vois blong olgeta blong tekem desisen abaot hao yumi shud manejem ol risos blong solwota long wan sastenbol ius.
Tank yu long ol pipol blong vilij blong Sunae long Moso Aelan long Vanuatu we oli helpem yumi wetem risej ia. Storian ia emi storian blong olgeta.
Understanding the importance of marine resources for women and listening to their voices in deciding on how these marine resources should be governed for sustainable use.
Thank you to all the people in the villages of Sunae on Moso Island in Vanuatu, who helped us with this research. This is their story.
Fieldwork: Serua Village, Fiji
Understanding the importance of marine resources for women and listening to their voices in deciding on how these resources should be governed for sustainable use.
Thank you to all the villagers of Serua Village and the Turaga ni Mataqali who permitted the visit and research.